Thursday, April 23, 2009

Council Meeting April 7, 2009

Notes from April 7, 2009 Council Meeting

The agenda began with- Call to Order, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call---- enter first outburst-

*Councilperson Jackie Thompson demanded immediate resignation of Councilperson Wes Kantor (he has a legal issue with a pending trial date) and mid-sentence was silenced by Council President Brent Howard by a fierce pounding of the gavel.
*At the first Poll Public, citizen Paul Weurther stood and ( paraphrase) demanded Councilperson Jackie Thompson’s immediate resignation from council for continually being out of decorum and for trying to deny Councilperson Wes Kantor a fair trial.
*At the second Poll Public, citizen Tim Harrison stood and (paraphrase) expressed his concern that Councilperson Jackie Thompson is ignoring the rights of Americans to a fair trial. He cited the congressman from Alaska who lost his entire political career after being falsely accused and dragged through the dirt by the press. When he was finally found to be not guilty, his career was ruined.
*At the Poll Council, Councilperson Jackie Thompson went on a ten minute rant beginning with a berating of the two gentlemen who chided her for her lack of professionalism and bad behavior. She once again started on Councilperson Wes Kantor but was cautioned by Council President Brent Howard not to cross legal lines. She abruptly switched gears to the NRA stating that in her opinion, the NRA is to cause for all of the gun violence and went as far as to compare body count of gun violence in the United States as to that of the war in Iraq. She produced several newspaper articles of gun violence and THEN in a very awkward moment of time for all in the room (it felt like it lasted 4 hours), she turned the Council Chambers into a 60’s style beat-nik coffee shop so she could use her “artistic” abilities to read her “poem” about the NRA losing its credibility. She added that “in front” of a council guest, a citizen had the nerve to call her out about ‘pit bulls, guns and God’. She stated that people stop her on the street and “beg” her for help. Seriously??!!

1 comment:

  1. If guns cause crime, well then I guess Pencils cause mis-spelled words, and since their are way more mis-spelled words then I think we should ban pencils
