Tuesday, April 21, 2009


My "history" with Jackie Thompson began some 20+ years ago when I moved into my home here in Whitehall. I am listed in the telephone directory as cjthompson. Jackie Thompson for years remained (off and on) unlisted. We both reside on the same street. I remember reading letters to the editor in the Whitehall News from her and about her in a battle with her neighbors about a tarp they had covering their fire wood pile. She disliked the look of it and was demanding it be removed. The city stated it was with-in the home owner's rights to have the tarp covering their wood. This went on for weeks. I remember wondering at that time, just what kind of a neighborhood I had moved into that had such a busy body. My daughter was in kindergarten at the time, and I came home from work one day and checked my mail. I had an anonymous letter in my mailbox. I opened it and it was addressed to Jackie Thompson. It was a threatening letter. I called the Whitehall Police, filed a report and turned the letter over to them. I pulled my little girl in from play and for several weeks would not let her play in her own yard, fearing for her safety. I contacted the Whitehall News and asked that it be stated that I was CJThompson - the J for Jo and I was NOT to be confused with Jackie Thompson. They ran an article titled The Tale of Two Thompsons. Not once, did Jackie contact me via phone or written word to apologize for the mishap. Through the years, I have had oh too numerous annoying phone calls for her and always stated simply that they had the wrong number and that I was Cheryl JO Thompson. I made my dislike of her actions and words very clear when she attempted to run for offices. Now that she has made it to city council, I continually have massive phone calls for her. I went to a Council Meeting and voiced my disgust in public. At long last, her telephone number was available as it was put in the minutes of that particular meeting. I have become so very tired of hearing the various discord that should be directed to her, that I've added her name and phone number to my home answering machine. Now, I let the calls roll and people are directed to her number instead of disturbing me. What do I hope to gain from this blog? Utopia would be for Jackie Thompson to do the right thing and step down from council. I know she will never do that. So - my intent is to attend as many meetings as I can, and be a sentinel for the city of Whitehall. I intend to post her rants and remarks so that any of the citizens of this great city who are unable to attend the meetings, will know that Jackie Thompson is following Jackie Thompson's agenda and not the agenda of the city of Whitehall.


  1. Jackie Thompson is an unethical councilperson!
    She got a whitehall resident fired from her job at Glazer's because this resident spoke out against her breed specific legislation and because this resident emailed the enitre council to complain about Ms. Thompson's actions and legislation.
    Jackie Thompson called the Whitehall Glazer's manager to complain and then called the Glazer President at the corporate office in Dallas Texas to complain about this resident.
    Because of Jackie Thompson, this resident was FIRED from her job with Glazer's on Monday, April 20.
    Jackie Thompson's modus operandi is to find out where citizens are employed and then call their employers to complain about the resident. This has been done to many residents and area employees who have spoken out against Councilwoman Thompson.
    Please come to as many council meetings as possible and voice your opinion about the unethical treatment that councilwoman Thompson showers upon her constituents.
