Sunday, November 1, 2009

Have We Really Been Given Fair Reporting?????

Oddly enough, when Mr. Corvo of the SNP Whitehall News wrote the story “Backers of Issue 32 report raising $2,115 toward effort” 10/29/09, he did not see any interest in reporting the list of contributors that live outside of Whitehall who gave to Council Member LaCorte’s campaign. Only 3 out of 15 contributors live in WhitehallLaCorte herself is included in the 3. LaCorte was her own biggest contributor at $700.00 while Tim Cooper of Westerville was second at $500.00.

La Corte Contributors
Tim H. Cooper - Westerville $250.00
Pam Elliot –Westerville $100.00
Heidi Mason -Canal Winchester $50.00
Roberta LaCorte – Granville $125.00
Gene Cook – Columbus $100.00
Roy Adkins – Whitehall $25.00
Bonnie Warrick – Reynoldsburg $40.00
Mary Cain – Carroll $5.00
Tim H. Cooper – Westerville $250.00
Paul Snyder – Worthington $50.00
Mike and Ann Sbrochi – Westerville $50.00
Carol and Pauline LaCorte – Columbus $25.00
Jackie Ashton – Columbus $50.00
Chelsea Wright – Whitehall $200.00
Leslie LaCorte – Whitehall $700.00

In response to Council Member LaCorte saying she relies on contributions from those who “support her” in looking at her list of contributors, 12 contributions came from OUTSIDE of Whitehall while ONLY 3 came from Whitehall residents of which one was Ms. LaCorte herself.
INTERESTINGLY ENOUGH, Jackie Thompson has NOTHING to say about the OUTSIDERS who back LaCorte – who only had 1/5 of her contributions from Whitehall residents.
This is just another example of how COUNCIL MEMBER THOMPSON plays her dirty politics. Report any outside contributions of other financial reports…..but NOT of her friend.

The ballot reads as follows:
Shall Jacquelyn K. Thompson be allowed
to continue as Council At Large?
The Citizens For The Positive Future Of Whitehall

Another “interesting” note – this story was pulled from SNP on-line Friday as comments were sent “breaking this news”. Let me also note at this time, that SNP let the story of how Jackie Thompson claimed "Outsiders" were trying to get her voted out...aka Skip Teaford (my guy-Columbus) and The Committee For The Positive Future of Whitehall's Treasurer (Sandy DiCocco -Reynoldsburg) stay on-line for 2 weeks...but NEVER ONCE noted that Jackie's Treasurer when she got Elected was Maria VonVille of Columbus---AN OUTSIDER.


  1. Interesting note: SNP reporter Kevin Corvo and Councilwoman Lacorte have been seen meeting together in "after hours" establishments such as Tailgaters and Roosters, and for hours on end.
    I believe Mr. Corvo's reporting is subjective to the influence of Lacorte. Yes, it is disgusting.

  2. Very good reporting CJ.....yes, I too noticed that the SNP pulled the elections section from the Whitehall News on-line.....seems fishy to me! Is this what politics all about....DIRTY POLITICS? Well that's what it seems like here in Whitehall. Absolutely outlandish! I say to RePort LaCorte in the same manner as everyone else and VOTE NO ON ISSUE 32!

  3. Ah, very good Anon!! RePort LaCorte!! Lyrical, poetic, and cerebral!! I love it!!

    And, yes, CJ -- I noticed that article got pulled. Seems it would been less noticeable if they had just left the story (since it is in the hard copy on everyone's porch) but not posted the comment about LaCorte's outside support. We KNOW they don't post everything, so that would have been no surprise. That's okay, those who saw the comment cannot erase it from their minds. Would have made great literature to pass out to those living in Leslie and Jackie's areas.

    The fact that they left the other article on for two weeks bothered me a little, but frankly that article got tons of comments. And, the few comments supporting Jackie got slammed by facts, facts, facts. I will focus on the good aspect, because done is done. Time to move on to the next big thing, right!!

  4. Councilwoman Thompson's newest lit drop is on "hot pink" paper. Note that Mrs. Thompson brags about her role as speaker at an annual meeting on the topic of guns and domestic violence and did so representing the entire Whitehall City Council.
    Wow! I'll bet not one of those city council members knew Jackie Thompson was representing them.
    Per Jackie Thompson's own words, the meeting was an Annual Program on Sept. 18, 2009 with the topic being guns and domestic violence. She writes "I am withholding the name of the organization due to privacy issues".
    Folks, all one has to do is google the date, topic, and columbus ohio to find out the sponsor organization. It was ACTION OHIO Coalition for Battered Women. It took place on Sept. 18, 2009 from 10am - 1pm at the First Unitarian Universalist Church, 93 W. Weisheimer Rd (in Clintonville).
    So, this organization ACTION OHIO Coalition for Battered Women, let an unathorized representative of the City of Whitehall speak on something she has no training in. I have to wonder though . . . is this the reason Jackie Thompson requested the autopsy reports and police reports on the Meeks murder/suicide? Did she use the information from the Meeks murder/suicide in her "speech" for this program?
    If you did Jackie, you are the scum of the earth. No, you are lower than scum.
    So much for keeping it a secret Jackie - your vanity once again won out and you had to give enough information to try and make yourself look good. Didn't work, did it?
    Jackie, you took advantage of the Meeks murder/suicide to make yourself look knowledgeable in front of others. Truly disgusting.

  5. Are you freakin kidding me?????? I can almost bet the City doesn't know that she is going out and representing herself as "what the City of Whitehall thinks and believes"!!!! They might think that she is representing herself, but NOT THE CITY! This woman is sick, sick, sick!!!!

  6. Nothing Jackie Thompson does should surprise anyone at this point.... she has been falsely representing our city and its residents for the better part of two years now. She talked about this domestic violence conference at the council meeting that followed it, trying to make it look like she is an expert on the subject, which we all know she is not. She is an expert at trying to control and wreck peoples lives, which is why she will be unseated in 2 days!!!! Thank God the insaity is almost over!!!!

  7. Honestly, I would love to say I'm not surprised....but for the love of God ....what is Jackie thinking?????????? SHE KNOWS she does NOT "represent" the City at luncheons and speaking engagements!!!!!Or basically anywhere else!!! I believe that is why we have our own Domestic Violence Coordinator!!!! Isn't there a law suit for false representation there?? Especially for such a "delicate" subject???!!! Dear God in us from this monster!!

  8. Please, someone tell me that Mike Shannon either has been or will be informed of this and has a copy of this flyer. Please, tell me that someone will let Mike know what organization so he can at least pull the agenda and find out just what the heck Jackie said at this meeting.

    Another thing to ponder for those who are still undecided about Ms. Know-It-All Thompson -- if privacy about this meeting (place, time, speakers)is truly a critical concern for this organization, Jackie should have kept her big mouth shut. So much for protecting privacy and confidentiality, folks. If it'll get Jackie any kind of attention - you are screwed.

    I hope this organization did not give her information such as locations of shelters, names of victims who "could use her help", etc. God help us all.

  9. Tidbit....the only reason why Jackie Thompson said she was "withholding the name of the organization for privacy reasons" is because she doesn't want the City to check and see what exactly she said and did that day when she should have been representing herself and NOT THE CITY....another way of saying "it doesn't exist". SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE ABOUT THIS LADY! What a liability!!!!!

  10. This is Dennis Laycock, editor of the Whitehall News.

    The reason the stories were pulled has nothing to do with their content, as explained to CJ Monday morning. They were pulled because the rest of the election coverage (including the Ward 1 and Ward 4 profiles and school board profiles) was corrupted and disappeared from the site, so I took down all election coverage in an attempt to be fair.

    This afternoon I will make another attempt to find out what happened to the rest of the stories and repost them, if I can locate them.

    As far as Kevin's reporting, Leslie's finance reports were not available when Kevin checked. He finally got the info, but there was only enough time and space to make a last-second change to indicate she had filed a report, not to list her contributers.

    There is no conspiracy and the Whitehall News has no bias or reason to slant its coverage, as no one here even lives in Whitehall or has any connections.

  11. All election-related stories from October are back on the election section of the SNP site and will be there through Election Day.

    In addition, I've added LaCorte's campaign finance information.

    We have no way of archiving or saving web comments; thus any comments that were made on these stories are gone.

  12. Here are the comments that were made to the story before it was pulled and then reposted. The original story can be seen at:

    Wes Kantor wrote on Oct 30, 2009 9:35 AM:

    " To the Citizens of Ward 2 and the Citizens of Whitehall. As this article noted, Councilman Wes Kantor, running unopposed in Ward 2, did not file a report. The reason for this is I did not meet the minimum requirement to file a finance report. I also confirmed this with Lynn Counts of the Franklin County Board of Elections. I wanted to make this clear to all who has contacted me about this. Thank you for your concern and support. Wes Kantor
    Ward 2 Councilman
    614-235-9139 "

    CHERYL JO THOMPSON wrote on Oct 30, 2009 4:08 AM:

    " Oddly enough, when Mr. Corvo wrote this story he did not see any interest in reporting the list of contributors that live outside of Whitehall who gave to Council Member LaCorte’s campaign. Only 3 out of 15 contributors live in Whitehall – LaCorte herself is included in the 3. LaCorte was her own biggest contributor at $700.00 while Tim Cooper of Westerville was second at $500.00.

    La Corte Contributors:
    Tim H. Cooper - Westerville $250.00
    Pam Elliot –Westerville $100.00
    Heidi Mason -Canal Winchester $50.00
    Roberta LaCorte – Granville $125.00
    Gene Cook – Columbus $100.00
    Roy Adkins – Whitehall $25.00
    Bonnie Warrick – Reynoldsburg $40.00
    Mary Cain – Carroll $5.00
    Tim H. Cooper – Westerville $250.00
    Paul Snyder – Worthington $50.00
    Mike and Ann Sbrochi – Westerville $50.00
    Carol and Pauline LaCorte – Columbus $25.00
    Jackie Ashton – Columbus $50.00
    Chelsea Wright – Whitehall $200.00
    Leslie LaCorte – Whitehall $700.00

    In response to Council Member LaCorte saying she relies on contributions from those who “support her” in looking at her list of contributors, 12 contributions came from OUTSIDE of Whitehall while ONLY 3 came from Whitehall residents of which one was Ms. LaCorte herself.
    INTERESTINGLY ENOUGH, Jackie Thompson has NOTHING to say about the OUTSIDERS who back LaCorte – who only had 1/5 of her contributions from Whitehall residents.
    This is just another example of how COUNCIL MEMBER THOMPSON plays her dirty politics. Report any outside contributions of other financial reports…..but NOT of her friend.

    The ballot reads as follows:
    ISSUE 32
    Shall Jacquelyn K. Thompson be allowed
    to continue as Council At Large?
    VOTE NO on ISSUE 32
    The Citizens For The Positive Future Of Whitehall "

    Mik wrote on Oct 29, 2009 10:37 PM:

    " The above report concerning Leslie Lacorte's campaign finance report is INCORRECT - Lacorte filed her report FOUR DAYS LATE, not 1 day late. Her report was incomplete and did not document contribution or expenditure dates.
    This is a perfect example of the mismanagement Lacorte has demonstrated during her term in office.
    Another glaring fact concering Lacorte's performance during the past four years is NOT ONE ELECTED OR APPOINTED OFFICIAL endorsed her or campaigned for her. Makes one wonder "why"? "

  13. Mr Laycock- Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. - CJ Thompson

  14. ChloeB----all members of any political party get a letter informing them of this. They have to report their financial contributors! I hope she gets fine the $100.00 a day that it took her to do it, then $400.00 of her $700.00 that she gave to herself is gone, but so is who cares.

  15. I couldn't have said it better myself Chloe, good job!!!

  16. C.J. Thompson, It appears that your mission statement does not match your efforts! Maybe it should say you hate woman and your efforts include the destruction of all women in power. Your writings mirror communistic behavior! Are you are Socialist at heart? Why are you so obnoxious about contributions, from outside the city of Whitehall, American tax paying Citizens like myself, Is it in appropriate to make contributions to a friend of 30 years?. What is your deal exactly? Your pictures I have seen show a very large woman, is that your problem? Heck, C.J., I would be willing to donate $250.00 to Jenny Craig for the benefit of you. Would that help your hate toward women trying to make a difference? Besides for being complainer that does nothing! Have you run for a position to really aid your city, like city council? My guess is no, you are just a person that NAGS and will not accept such responsibility. Instead you choose a lazy persons position! 90% of what I read on this blog is just poor journalism at best! Your writings do nothing but complain. Do you run a Communism Camp? Change your mission statement to say: I hate Women in politics.

    Tim H. Cooper

  17. Wait Tim...aren't you "THE STALKER" that Leslie pointed out to all of council when she first started? Stalker to 30 year friend and 2nd largest contributor??? You've come a long way Baby!!!

  18. Coop, come on back and pick up the load you left behind here. The only reason "outside" campaign contributions were addressed was because Jacquelyn K. Thompson, the councilperson Leslie LaCorte has been supporting, selectively brought it up first!! And, of course, named other campaigns accepting money from so-called "outsiders", except for the lone Thompson Supporter, Leslie LaCorte.

    Of course, if you had READ the article from start to finish, you may have picked up on that. It wasn't a subtle point. Or, did you get your information from, oh, I don't know, maybe SOMEONE ELSE and then proceeded to write your trash?

    And, speaking of the lazy way to do things, you obviously have no idea what putting a recall campaign together involves, or you would never have made that moronic statement in the first place.

    By the way, some information Jackie Thompson obviously wasn't aware of when she was filmed in "What Does At-Large" mean ... Whitehall has a non-partisan government. So, whether CJ is Democratic, Republican, Independent, Socialist, Communist or Anti-Establishment doesn't mean a hill of beans. CJ has uncovered things during this recall campaign that have shocked people much more in the know than you.

    So, go ahead and sleep tight in your perfect little Westerville World. When you wake up, you can go run for City Council in Westerville and give them the benefit of your non-lazy, free-world wisdom.

  19. WOW!!! Tim, my teenage sons have better reading and spelling skills than yourself! Please try to keep up. If you had read ANY of the articles, you would have known where the whole outsider thing cam from; this whole situation is the result Jackie Thompson herself(I won't call her a councilperson because after tonight she won't be one) You and Leslie keep trying to make this about Leslie, which it is not. Leslie is the one who aligned herself with JT, thats not our fault. And believe me, there ARE Ward 4 residents who are not happy with the way Leslie has represented them; the election will tell how deep that opinion goes. Tim, didn't your mother teach you any better than to be a juvenile, woman hating jerk???? Please keep your juvenile thoughts to yourself, we are trying to get rid of the negativity here in Whitehall, you can leave them in Westerville.

  20. And to think Tim Cooper is an author? Really?
    Wonder what Cooper's "larger" female literary types will think about this discriminatory comment.

  21. ChloeB...This is what CJ wrote on the SNP website...." Correction- Tim H. Cooper (Westerville) gave two $250.00 contributions to LaCorte total = $500.00 making her second largest contribution from someone who lives OUTSIDE of Whitehall. 12 of her 15 contributions were from OUTSIDE of Whitehall.

    So ChloeB, why does CJ want to rope me into her issue's, why does she post my name on her blog of LaCorte contributors? You seem like an a woman that wants intelligence, maybe your reading the wrong BLOG. I'll tell you why, CJ is a woman that has vengeance (is this spelled correctly)on the crust of her soul. And yes let me point out, yes I did write a book, I did not write a book on proper english you idiot! Its on IRA's. I had what is called an Editor (2 in fact) that edited my english and grammer and they are both from Whitehall. Obviously looking and reading your grammer you too should use an editor.

    Have wonderful day.


  22. CJ, HMM seems like you should check your facts, a stalker is: to proceed in a steady, deliberate, or sinister manner: Famine stalked through the nation...HMM this seems like you my dear Citizens Journalist. You stalk LESLIE AND JACKIE EVERY WEEK AT COUNCIL MEETINGS. AS far as LESLIE's STALKER I KNOW WHO you are referring to, SORRY CJ, WAS NOT ME. But thank you for noticing, I have come a long way.

  23. Tidbit, You seem to have some intelligence,If someone wants to bring up points about contributions like CJ is doing than it seems that all Council should be reported unless of course one has a Vengeance against an individual. HMM could this be? Why do you hide behide TIDBIT, are you ashamed to use your real name.

  24. Janiece, Yes finally an intelligent observation, I have no grammer or english skills! Maybe I should of went to College, but even a person with no college can become one of the top financial advisors in the USA and write a book! MY clients have not lost one dollar in over 20 years. My advise, hire editors to look over your work, as I did. I hope the hatred you have for others don't spill onto your kids. If this is not about Leslie, than why doesn't CJ write about the other council members/ This is all about Leslie and CJ makes that case, week in and week out.

  25. Best of luck tonight all. This "outsider" will be cheering you on.

  26. ChloeB Again...GEEZ..

    Thanks for recognizing my Book "IRA Misfortune 101", Published by Trafford Publishing Company. I barely graduated from High Sshool, No college,just went to the School of Hard Knox, my guess you have no idea about that school.
    I agree, when Jenny Craig shows those fat woman stars that become absolutly beautiful through using Jenny Craig, its not far the ladies that refuse to take care of themselves are absolutly humiliated on that commercial. But gosh are you saying that itr is my fault that Jenny Craig plants these seeds in our minds that woman should be skinny. Have you written to Jenny Craig about this horrible advertisement. You should, you have a great point. Maybe you ladies aND MIKE should BLOG about that. Wonder what Cooper's "larger" female literary types will think about this discriminatory comment.

  27. Horray to the woman in Politics................
    LaCorte will win the election....

    By all

    Living the Dream
    Tim Cooper

  28. My congratulations in advance for Mr. Gregg for winning the election, Coop SURE IS dreaming. Sounds like he is having some real nightmares; hey Coop, anybody can publish a book. I've got an idea for you, how about a book on "Men who are absurd."

  29. Congratulations to ALL of you!

  30. jangray:
    I agree anyone can Publish a book! Have you tried? WOW didn't know the election tally was over? What agiftm, you can see into the future, your insight is incredible! You don't need to write a book, call all the sport betters and tell the the winners of this weeks action. Post it here we can make a lot of money.

  31. 10 of 13 precincts reporting - up 75% to 25%...Jackie better be pulling lots of votes out of whatever orifices she can

  32. The Good Ole Boys Club to rise again...GO Jan

  33. Just completed my search on book authors named Jan Gray, nothing came up. Did you use another name to publish your work of art. B.T.W. Can anyone invest money like I have for the last twenty years and not loose one dollar, I have done this for all of my clients. My guess is your advisor/YOU lost your portfolio lots of money!

  34. Yes The Good Ole Boys Club rises again. Sad part is what will CJ do now? She is done. Her work is complete. She has helped smash woman that are not bad people. Wait maybe she can satrt on Obama, now that is work I would pay her to do. Send resume to me.

  35. thcooper are you giving your BFFB your shoulder to cry on? Maybe she can invest in something positive. I would not invest my money with you and once "your clients" get wind of the way you act you will lose your butt! Have you ever heard of KARMA? Well she is a B****. Sorry you lost your $500 bucks.

  36. Dear Girl, What is a BFFB? My shoulder is right here in Westerville, HEY girl, afraid to use your real name, Pathetic. HMM, Now where did you read that I was asking you for your business? I wasn't and don't need you as a client. Lost $500.00 what are you talking about? $500.00 oh please like I said, I am way a head on profits. Did you miss that part? Oh darn I just realized girl is probaly the little girl under 16, Sorry about my comments little girl. GO to bed now, its late, let the Adults play.

  37. Little Girl are you still awake? What does Karma Mean, I thought Karma was a form of Buddhism! You cant practice both Satanism and Buddhism!

    Karma...action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman.

  38. Hello again, Coop --- No, I have no problem identifying myself in this forum, and in fact, have done so twice already. I also post comments to news articles and write published letters to the editor under my name of Barbara Blake, a Whitehall resident of 18+ years.

    As far as bringing up contributions, again -- Madam Jackie, EX Council at Large for Whitehall, started this mess. I suggest you address your comments to her. Her insidious lies and innuendo have damaged many reputations and lives, including that of your friend, Ms. LaCorte.

    I suggest we all restart our lives anew beginning now. The citizens have spoken and a new day dawns for Whitehall. Thanks for all the support of folks who voted to give an "At Large" seat to some future individual who will bring honor and integrity to that office. And, I must add, thanks to all the nay-sayers, as well. Many of your comments initiated a search for knowledge and deep reflection on the issues and races on November 3rd. To use a trite and well-worn phrase, "It's all good".

  39. thcooper, you definitely have bitten off more than you can chew... money does not buy happiness, values or morals in your case. I feel very sorry for your wife/children if you have any. My children are VERY PROUD of their mother for standing up for what is right - Jackie Thompson is all wrong for the City of Whitehall and the voters have had their say! They also have had their say in WARD 4. Leslie has no one to blame but herself for losing the election. Thats what she gets for aligning herself with the devil. There were 666 votes to keep JT in office.(Sound familiar???) Over 1800 to remove her. You talk of hate... My children have been taught nothing but LOVE!!!! I hate no one. Jackie should have NEVER attempted what she did to me and my family. That is PURE hatred. I have all the records to prove it and she knows it. That is why she has hired a private attorney(or so she says). Regardless of any legal proceedings, she will NEVER do to anyone else in Whitehall what she did to me and MY children.

    Onto the rest of your trash: CJ has nothing to write about the rest of council because they have been above board from the beginning about everything and anything. I am sure there will be plenty for CJ and I to do when it comes to JT because she is not gone yet, she still resides here and I'm sure will continue to bring her garbage to council. When she starts bashing innocent people we WILL be there to defend the people that can't or won't defend themselves for various reasons. My family ALWAYS taught me to stand up for WHAT IS RIGHT AND JUST. Leslie had her chance and blew it. Sorry about her luck.

    You say you and your investors haven't lost a penny yet huh??? You better watch what you say! Can you say Bernie Madoff?????? Karma is a bitch sir!!!!! Have a great night!!!

  40. Hey Coop,
    Thanks for the entertainment tonight, you're a real laugh. You illustrate absurdity by being absurd.

  41. Tim H. Cooper...I take it none of your clients will mind when I post your name, business, address and phone number on the blog and SNP tomorrow. Sleep on that tonight. Way to back a loser LaCorte....who if she had brain one and distanced herself from Jackie might not have gone down in roaring flames like she did! Suck it do these jeans make my ass look fat???? What a waste of $500.00!!!

  42. Boy, oh boy....Mr. Tim Cooper had a really fine time with himself tonight didnt' he? He must have been a really lone soul tonight...hey I have a question...why were't you at the council meeting tonight voting on your ole friend of 30 years Mr. Cooper?....did the little wifey hear about it, er? hum? Wow, you were pretty busy with your little nonsense stupid financial shit here weren't you? I guess I'll read about you in the papers here real soon...the dude swingling old people out of their financial stability? YOU MR. COOPER ARE AS MUCH AS AN IDIOT AS YOUR SO CALLED GIRLFRIEND LESLIE LACORTE....(by the way, I'll be contacting your wifey here real soon)....AND YOUR OTHER GIRLFRIEND MS. DIXON AND JACQUELYN THOMPSON....stop posting your stupid shit....YOU LOOOSE,,,,,WE WIN...GOOD OVERPOWERS EVIL...get it? got it? good!!!!

  43. The citizens of Whitehall have spoken.

    Bye=Bye Jackie and Leslie!

    Hello Van Gregg!

  44. Jackie Thompson recall won by 75%. Van Gregg won by 58%.

  45. AnonymousStephanie, One minute you are saying Ia m a loney soul the next your mentioning awife. ARe you not reading what you write. It just so funny how you mention things that are just not true. Is this how you all spear headed your effors, LaCorte is not a looser she worked hard for the City she also got 48% percent of the vote that is admirable considering the which hunt against her. Why are you so dishonest and hateful. If you want to call my ex-wife go ahead.

  46. ChloeB, Why would I stem the tears from LaCorte. Maybe since you are part of the spear heading crusde, fell good about one thing, My bet is Leslie did not cry one tear.

  47. Tim H. Cooper
    President / Founder Ripple Effect Investment Stategies
    Westerville, OH

    First he calls me a "women hater", then thinks he's going to push me into a corner to sob by saying "outloud" that I am fat, then he attacks every woman on this site.
    So Tim, does that mean that if some one brings $$$ to you to invest...they'd better not be fat or a woman?
    As far as "me" not having anything to do....I wasn't the sorry cry baby sitting at the computer last night posting 14 times!
    And YES, Tim...Leslie ran crying to ALL of Council when she first started, saying that YOU were "Stalking" her!

  48. Citizen Journalist Whitehall, OH, What are you talking about? Posting attackes on me is O.K. be be careful on posting issue's that are not true. You will not like the ramifications of my attornies. Why would you call yourself fat, I have never used that word, I was offering hep that the TV offers your kind all the time. Oh wait, that is what you do put words (ass & fat) into peoples mouth and spoon feed them. Jenny Carig is a good program look what it did for V. Bertinelli and C. Alley. It can help you. PLease quote excat;y what I said not what you just wrote, I have never said you are fat nor have I said anything about your ass! $500, oh please. I also gave $500.00 to Jerry Lewis and the cure has not been discoverd yet. My guess is your croonies think he is he a looser too. Pathitic. Be very careful what you post.

  49. jangray, Thank you looking forward to reading your book. I can see it now, Spearheading Good Christian Woman.


  50. Janiece, who brought up money, not me, that would your coach and mentor CJ. happiness, waht are you talkinga bout where did I mention anything about money buying happiness? WOW now your connecting me to Bernie Madoff, that is to funny. You seem to use words like Karma, Do you understand what the word slander means? B.T.W. I did not bring up your kids you did. Yes I have four kids and 6 grandkids, I HAVE WALKED IN YOUR SHOES. Again I hope your not taeching your kids to be hateful, Leslie has done an honorable job for the City, your jealousy has lifted you to have hate for a person that tried to do her best. Is this what you are taeching your kids? You all seem like little girls from Jr. High school you just can't acknowledge that Leslie has done good work, your saying hr entire four years is unacceptable. But that appears to be who you are, little girls fron school.

  51. B.T.W. COngrats to Mr. V. Gregg I have always like him as a man. Hopefully he won't fall into your little witch hunts, because now CJ has nothing to video or write about, moving on, by.

  52. CJ wrote, "ps do these jeans make my ass look fat????"

    Seems as though these are words from the blog originator herself, not mine!

  53. Hey Tim Cooper, Have a Nice Day!

  54. ChloeB, Did you read before you sent your comment. Recall won by the difference between the yes vote and the no votes. Recall 75% to 25% Van Gregg won on the difference 58% to 42%, he did not win by 58%. I see why Leslie does not want me to give you nay more time, you seem to report bias and untrue facts.

    You wrote....Jackie Thompson recall won by 75%. Van Gregg won by 58%

  55. Oh Janiece, I just put it together, you are the one that got fired. Is that your motivation/vengeance you are wanting to get everyone fired or humiliated like you did. I am sorry for your job issue, my guess is your employer didn't agree with CJ either. This is the kind of people you run with.

  56. CJ, did you write and quote me incorrectly again....

    CJ wrote....First he calls me a "women hater", then thinks he's going to push me into a corner to sob by saying "outloud" that I am fat, then he attacks every woman on this site.
    So Tim, does that mean that if some one brings $$$ to you to invest...they'd better not be fat or a woman?

    Tim...Can you please copy/paste where I have called you FAT! I would love to see it. I will accept your apology for reporting incorrect facts!!! Is this what you have done all these years?

    CJ wrote....As far as "me" not having anything to do....I wasn't the sorry cry baby sitting at the computer last night posting 14 times!

    Tim...I am home every night, so now reporting that I was crying, Your journalism skills are shamful at best.

    CJ Wrote...And YES, Tim...Leslie ran crying to ALL of Council when she first started, saying that YOU were "Stalking" her!

    Tim....This not what happened, check the facts my dear troubled soul. In my world we use something called evidence, please send me your video recording of LaCorte making these comments that you claim took place. I know who the real stalker was, do you?

  57. ChloeB
    Here are some fact so you can quote correctly Gregg received 58% of the votes, he won by a margin of 16, not by 58%. Recall received 75% of the votes, the margin was 50, not 75%.

    Also thanks, I am having a very good day! If you ladies need the ex-wife's phone call me I will give it to you.


  58. Hey Tim,
    Still having a nice day?

  59. Hey Coop, took you long enough to "figure out" who I am. Let me set the record straight on a few of you misconceptions: You did bring up money when you said your investors have never lost a penny. I do not hate Leslie, nor am I jealous of her. I am merely dissappointed that someone of her caliber could be sucked in by Jackie Thompson. When I lost my job, I did not even know CJ. And as far as my former employer is concerned, they buckled under Jackies idle threats of a lawsuit and were not aware of the WHOLE story(that Jackie contacted me numerous times on that same company email and verbally attacked me and my family, and it has been ruled to be a dismissal without just cause. Maybe you should be asking yourself what the word slander means. You seem to be doing alot of it to CJ. Grow up, I know you are older than I am. Even with all the things that Jackie has done to me, I have not stooped to that level.

  60. Tim H Cooper - be careful what YOU write. Google yourself and this blog will come up for the world to read that you said quote to me -"Your pictures I have seen show a very large woman, is that your problem? Heck, C.J., I would be willing to donate $250.00 to Jenny Craig for the benefit of you." However you "read"'s calling me "fat" which ps- is not news to even me- but still none of your business. Through out the entire blog, I have never once attacked Jackie or Leslie on ANY of their physicalities. It took the rants of an immature "boy"-yourself to start that. Now, when prospective new clients search your background, they will see you "go off" on the women on this blog because your "friend" did not win her re-election. The damage you do here is only to YOURSELF and YOUR business. Think long and give careful consideration before posting again. - CJ
