Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Council Meeting May 5, 2009

Jackie "called off" for the second week in a row, so I have nothing to report regarding this meeting.


  1. In the Whitehall News, it is reported that Councilwoman Thompson is the cause of citizen Jeneice Miller being fired from her job at Glazers. Apparently Thompson complained to the management about Miller (because Miller successfully blocked Thompson's pit bull legilsation). Wow . . . it's very upsetting that this councilwoman has nothing better to do than ruin good citizens lives and taking away their jobs.
    Councilwoman Jackie Thompson is a vicious VICIOUS woman!

  2. Jackie Thompson has not been attending the meetings. Could it be because she can't face Ms. Miller? . . . or could it be because she almost had an arrest warrant issued against her for stealing her neighbor's dog?

    She issued the following comment a couple of months ago, "Council members should have a higher standard". Okay Jackie, where exactly is your "higher standard"? I don't think any of us can stand to witness or experience any more of your "higher standards".

  3. I just found this blog today, and I have to say I am glad that people in Whitehall are paying attention to what is REALLY going on with our favorite council person. I appreciate all the emotional support I have received from people that I don't even know. If we all stick together, I think the people WILL prevail. (Even though I will not get my job back) Janiece Miller

  4. I think the ball bounces both ways. who's company (city) computer was Jackie Thompson using when she did this horrible thing. Who's $$$ is she waisting while she goes on this vendeta. What else is she doing on this computer who's to say she has not done the befor, I sure (Miller) she won't be the last. I think Miller should run against her (Thompson) in the next election- it seems that this life-long resident knows more about what is going on in the city, all wait I guess if Jackie would pull her head out of her ass and breath after a few years of fresh air she might figure a little bit out but not enough to sit where she is sitting now.
