Tuesday, May 12, 2009

To Video or Not to Video THAT is the question

Well....this journalist can tell you the answer is TO VIDEO. At May 12 Committee Meeting, Council person Leslie LaCorte expressed (quite vehemently I might say) her disapproval of my video taping council meetings. She feels she is "put in the middle of something that she should not be in". Well Leslie, are you aware that the City of Columbus Council Meetings are ALL broadcast on public television? Get used to it. I am a citizen of Whitehall and a journalist and I am not going away. I will be at each and every meeting. I have every right to be there and every right to video.

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand why Councilperson Lacorte is upset. She exercises her constitutional rights when she expresses her opinion in a public meeting and you exercise your constitutional rights by documenting it.
    What's the big deal?
