Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Honestly…..No One Could Make This Stuff Up!!!

Even if he tried, Stephen King could not accurately depict Jackie Thompson even if she was Annie Wilkes from the movie “Misery”. NOT EVEN CLOSE!
Jackie came to this week’s Committee Meeting looking for blood and it didn’t really matter to her whose blood had to spill. Would it be Bob Bailey’s? Well of course! How about Ray Ogden’s? Oh yes! How about ALL of City Council? Well, for sure!
Where to begin……….ummmm. Let’s start with the Leslie LaCorte proposal of Q&A for the ballots. Leslie offers her version. Leo offers his. NOPE. Jackie wants it HER way! Not surprised are we?? She must think every time she pulls into City Hall that it’s the Burger King drive thru where their slogan is “Have It Your Way”. Well Jackie….you made a few wrong turns. So….onto painstaking eons of time while SHE “discussed” what SHE wanted the Q&A to say. After all….it can’t possibly be done properly until she gives it HER stamp of approval! At one point in the discussion of the control that would be offered by the Vicious Dog Board, Bob Bailey recited possibilities of what ordinance 505.21 states. As Jackie reeled her head and screeched “Oh! Show it to me Bob! You’re sooooo good at waving papers in the air but not producing the proof!” Uutt-Oh! That sounds familiar! Why THAT is Jackie Thompson’s M.O. that she is accusing Bob Bailey of!!!!......What did Bob do? He simply turned to the page and read it to her! LOL!!! You just can’t make this stuff up!!
On to the Employees of City Hall. Hey folks! Did ya'll know you’re rude??? Well you are….so says Jackie…er………the many many PHONE CALLS she gets! Phone calls??? Right! And I’m Mary Queen of Scots too. Next time you see me, please curtsy or bow. Back to the City Hall employees. Jackie wants you ALL to go to Customer Service training and learn how to talk to people. Well, heaven help us all if she wants you to go to the Jackie Thompson school of etiquette. And THEN….as rude as you all are….you’re calling her telling her how afraid you are to work in City Hall. You just never know who will come in! Well everybody duck if it’s Jackie because if she comes in, she’s on the rampage to do SOMEONE in! Okay….pop quiz….what is the jest of this paragraph? Well…it’s Administrative and THAT does NOT belong at the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL MEETINGS.
NEXT! Now serving Ray Ogden!!! Oh Jackie left no stone unturned here. She was in Ray’s office last week with her usual “grocery list” of questions, demands, “concerns”…mind you NOW she sits in a PUBLIC meeting, and announces to everyone that she…wait! it comes….GETS A LOT OF PHONE CALLS complaining about how rude Ray’s office is. Well, given the above mentioned paragraph…need I say more? So…Ray, intent on defending his people from Jackie’s accusations from………..the Code Enforcer sitting outside of people’s houses in his truck “stalking” them…..and Ray’s office being blatantly rude!!!....Well, Ray told Jackie how outrageous it was that she was JUST in his office and made no mention of her “concerns” then, but waited for the PUBLIC meeting to try to insult his office and his team. (Ah…Ray…that’s Jackie’s M.O. too– Be the DRAMA QUEEN and BACK STAB anyone and everyone!) So....Ray explained to Jackie that the Code Enforcer uses a laptop that is wireless hook-up to City Hall to do his reports. THUS, the “sitting” in the truck. Now Jackie….you really wouldn’t want him driving while he’s on the pc would you??? And Jackie, in her usual UN-professional manner…sat rocking in the chair laughing at Ray. Seriously Jackie??? Seriously???!!! Again Jackie…do you see the pattern here??? Administrative….NOT Legislative!
More will be on YouTube later this week. COUNT ON IT!
Yet ANOTHER shameful day in the life of Jackie Thompson. Seriously…you just can’t make this up!!
As for Leslie…well the poor dear tried hard as she could to back pedal…but the darn bike kept braking. First she said she just got confused in her emotion last week and didn’t mean to insult the Renters….but then went on to explain that of course we all know that the Home Owners can be counted on to take care of their pets…but we just don’t know what kind of people the Renters are and if they’ll take care of their animals or not. Then, as she was “pressed” by Jackie to change the verbiage of her proposed ballot Q&As…Leslie said, well....we need to keep it short for our “Seniors”…we DO want them to be able to understand the ballot. Okey Dokey.

Of course, you all need to be aware that the verbiage of the Q&As is STILL BSL!



  1. You are the best damn journalist in Whitehall, great reporting! And, of course it isn't made up; we'll all see on YouTube soon enough with our own eyes and ears. Oh what a web we weave, when first we try to deceive.

  2. Jackie Thompson, do your constituents a favor and read the charter and current ordinances before opening your mouth. Bob Bailey certainly spanked you because he knew his stuff.
    Also, look at the charter where it says what the duties of City Council are. Please note that your duties are LEGISLATIVE and NOT ADMINISTRATIVE. Next time Jackie gets a call from a mystery citizen, she should refer the caller to the specific administrative head as it is their responsibility to react to the caller's concerns.
    Council woman LESLIE LACORTE has once AGAIN INSULTED RENTERS not to mention SENIOR CITIZENS. She thinks senior citizens need simple language because they can't understand what they are reading. It's a downright shame that Ms. Lacorte has such low regard for the intelligence of Whitehall's senior citizens. Again, I am a renter AND a responsible animal owner - HOW DARE COUNCIL WOMAN LACORTE JUDGE THE CARE I PROVIDE TO MY PETS? I'm sick of her foot-in-mouth disease. Loony Leslie, do us a favor, when you have a thought in your little brain, just bite your tongue before it can come out of your mouth.

  3. Well, CJ put justice to LL's comments: "she tried hard as she could to back pedal..but the darn brake kept braking" inquisitive! What an good Journalist we have here in Whitehall...I'm very proud that someone stands out as much as she does with such a practical understanding. People with such intelligence brings nothing but good worth to themselves and others. Love Ya----Mean it!

  4. Well if you haven't seen the latest JT letter to the Whitehall news you can view it here (I have shortened the link as to save me from typing)

    It is very interesting reading, she calls us Fomenter of Violence. I have personally been referred too by many names, but never a Fomenter of Violence, fermenter of grapes maybe. She goes onto say that "I will not resign." And "if they succeed in removing me from office, I will continue, with even greater resolve, to push for the reform of our government, to improve our educational system, to end the violence and to make Whitehall a better place in which to live." Although I applaud her tenacity I do however feel that we as Whitehallians have gotten the proverbial short end of the stick. After all Gotham City got Batman, The city of Metropolis got Superman, and we get Jacquelyn Thompson....I just pray there are no tights and capes in her closet...

  5. Evila, love the reference to superheroes! You are right about the short end of the stick!
