Saturday, September 12, 2009

Board of Elections

I am told that the petition was taken to the board of elections for verification Friday early afternoon. What this means, is out of the 701 signatures collected, when the board verifies up to and including the first 403 that meet the registered voter of Whitehall and address qualification, then the petition will be certified back to the City Clerk. Upon receipt, she'll deliver a copy to Council Member Thompson and get a signed receipt. (Council Member Thompson went down to the board of elections Friday to "pay" for a copy of the petition...the cost of page copies. This is just another example of Council Member Thompson's continuation of circumventing the rules and regulations as designed in the Charter by not waiting for her certified copy as so stated she is required to do per the Charter.) At that point, Council Member Thompson will have 5 days to resign, which I'm sure will not occur. At the end of the 5 days, Council will meet to set an election date, not less than 30 days but not more than 60 days from the end of Council Member Thompson's 5 days....which puts us right at the November 3rd election. It's a mathematical equation plain and simple. Council Member Thompson came into Council office Thursday while I and some of the petition carriers turned in the petition. She whisked past us, turned and stood grinning in the center of the room. Other than attempted intimidation, those antics mean nothing. Not a single one of the petition carriers are afraid of Council Member Thompson. She breezed out of the room to insist from Council President Howard a list of the names of the petition carriers. Naturally he declined. Again, other than attempted intimidation, those antics mean nothing. Council Member Thompson was seen slowing down and stopping in front of a petition carrier's home this morning while looking at the carrier's house. The moment she knew she had been spotted, she drove off. Again, other than attempted intimidation, those antics mean nothing. Let me be perfectly clear when I say that to date and going forward , I have and will continue to keep the public informed of Council Member Thompson's antics and scare tactics. We are - The Committee For The Positive Future of Whitehall.


  1. You would think that instead of raking the coals and feeding the fire that Ms Thompson would try to just be a little cooler, however ms. Thompson is still scanning the sky for the proverbial house to fall on her. This is sad really now she is parking outside the peoples houses that had carried around the petitions. This is how she tries to prove that she is not abusing her political influences? Let me catch her parked outside my house, I have a dozen eggs waiting...on second thought I wouldn't waste the eggs. Not long now though huh Jackie? Then we will be doing the famous JT wave back at ya...Bright Blessings

  2. I've been thinking about this all day, and here's how I want to handle the pink-hatted peeper ... I've got $100.00 to put towards political yard signs that say "RECALL JACKIE THOMPSON - VOTE NO ON NOVEMBER 3RD". I'll put one in my yard and in anyone else's yard who wants one as long as I have a supply. Would this be the correct wording according to Section 68 of the city Charter, CJ? I'm assuming we'd have to wait until a certain date to display them so they would be considered political free speech, correct?

  3. Anyone wishing to donate money can e-mail me at for directions. THANK YOU!

  4. I will certainly post one in my yard. Thanks, what a great idea!

  5. Wow, what great support! I just got back in the house to check the site ... now I'm going to e-mail CJ for money donation directions and volunteer assignments. ED and Rickie, thank you, thank you, thank you! :) Can't wait for 11/03!!!
