Saturday, September 5, 2009

"The Conspiracy Theory" (circles have holes in the center)
See the 2 videos of Jackie's poll council from 9/1/09. On these she gives her "conspiracy theory" on how Mayor Wolfe has organized a "mob" to eject her from office. Jackie has delusions of grandeur to suspect that the Honorable Mayor Wolfe would hire thugs to oust her from council. Oh my goodness! Jackie Jackie Jackie....when are you going to hear us??
Also in her grandstanding for the television cameras - she tried to tie everyone - Helpfido,Mr. Mayor,the Grumpy Men on Council, and US---WE THE PEOPLE to what she calls a "full circle". Now at this time, I'll direct you to "Michael and Susan and a Ward 1" all 3 SNP commenters who use the term "full circle" over and over. Hummmmm. Next she goes on to discount the hard work and love of animals that helpfido is about. Here are some figures as to how helpfido helps-

Donated 500 pounds of dog food to various Columbus residents that were in need
Provided Microchipping for 42 dogs at John Bishop park. This was not free but cost was only $10 which is a small fraction of cost a vet's office would charge.
Met with hundreds of dog owners at events such as National Night Out, Woofstock, Wagfest, etc and provided education materials on bite prevention, canine disease prevention, veterinary care and yes, breed specific legislation.
Participated in various fundraisers for other organizations such as Citizens for Humane Action, Measles Animal Haven, Capital Area Humane Society and Franklin County Dog Shelter. Examples of events - dog wash, pet walk, ride for pups (biking).

Donated over 2000 pounds of dog food to Whitehall residents in need at NNO and another 300 pounds to additional Whitehall residents since NNO.
Have 48 dog owners signed up for another microchip clinic which will be having in September (working on the specific date now)
Similar events as those above - we were at Woofstock again last weekend, Wagfest in 2 weeks. We've also been at Mingle with the Mutts multiple times this year - the event by Franklin County Dog Shelter at local Petsmart stores where dogs are up for adoption.

Seriously Jackie??? You think these are BAD PEOPLE??? Come On!!
Could it be because supporters of HelpFido...people they have helped, think you're awful for contacting the Town & Country Animal Clinic where Dr. Mandi, a well known and loved veterinarian in Whitehall AND surrounding areas to tell them that Dr. Mandi had the audacity and nerve to speak against your proposed BSL at council meetings? Could it be that you attempted to start a boycott of the clinic because they wouldn't "do something" about Dr. Mandi??? Could it be that you had NO idea that NOT EVERYONE is afraid of you and will stand up and speak the truth against your spews of lies and hatred for any and all who do not wish to live in "Jackieville"?

Let me give you a another fact lesson Jackie. My blog started in April 2009. That was AFTER the Spring Guide came out. Geez Jackie. When will you ever learn to check facts before you start off on another tirade? Never mind, I already know the answer -NEVER. Facts just are not self serving to you because FACTS prove that your "theories and innuendo" are ALL wrong!

The next time you decide to "announce" a circle has come complete, as Jackie, Susan, Michael, Ward 1 or any other alias you choose to use........remember this....circles have holes in the center and in the center of your rants there is always a hole called a lie.

And another thing Jackie, you can try as hard as you want to try to change the message of my RECALL petition....but the TRUTH is this - I wrote this about how you took Janice Miller's livelihood along with many other reasons that you are not fit to have a seat on city council, but there is NOT ONE WORD ABOUT DOGS of ANY KIND on MY PETITION.


  1. FACT: Jackie Thompson used her position as a city council member to get a Whitehall citizen fired from her job.
    FACT: Jackie Thompson has shown NO REGRET for her actions in getting this citizen fired.
    FACT: Jackie Thompson has retained he own private attorney for the purpose that she did use her official position as an elected official to get a private citizen fired from her job.
    FACT: Jackie Thompson HAS NEVER REFUTED that it was her actions that exclusively led to Glazer's of Whitehall, firing this citizen.
    FACT: Jackie Thompson is guilty of using her position as a council member to demean and stifle the voice of a private citizen.

  2. Gee Jackie ... If you can call for an investigation into how tax dollars were spent allowing Help Fido into the Spring Guide when items are posted in their blog that are not favorable to you, an elected official, then maybe the taxpayers of Whitehall should call for an Ethics Commission investigation of how YOU, an ELECTED OFFICIAL, funded by our TAX DOLLARS, used your position as "Councilwoman Thompson", to make certain that one of your constituents was fired from her job because she voiced her OPINION which was the polar opposite of yours. How you, as an ELECTED OFFICIAL, tried to get a Franklin County Animal Shelter employee fired from her job. How you, as an ELECTED OFFICIAL, puts inaccurate and inflammatory words into the mouths of her fellow council members (if you cannot remember this, think about the September 1st Council Meeting when you "paraphrased" Bob Bailey's comments about the Citizen Patrol). How you, as an ELECTED OFFICIAL, believes that the Whitehall school system is involved in a conspiracy against you because people who happen to work for that system are interested in the government of our community and who may have an interest in running for council. I guess that if you want to be an elected official in Whitehall, Ohio, you darn well better be certain to cancel all other affiliations/careers/you name it that you may be involved in so Councilwoman Thompson will have no ammunition against you. How about you, Jackie? Has anyone called your place of work to get you fired because they disagree with you? If so, were they successful? You must realize at some level that you were WRONG, WRONG, WRONG to attack these people using your so-called power as a council member, otherwise, the city attorney would be able to back you up, instead of a private attorney. What's next? Will you sue the city of Whitehall for the attorney's fees you will need to put out of your own pocket because you cannot make a sound and reasonable argument or decision? God have mercy on those your petty little mind sees fit to target next.

  3. Gee Jackie, I know you wouldn't want the Service department to practice "selective code enforcement". I saw some code violations on your property and it's been that way for some time. Next stop is City Hall Service Department. You wouldn't want to be treated any different than the rest of us, right?

  4. Genie, the service department has made selective stops....they are the selections of people who disagree with Jackie....because what does she do...everytime someone say's something the opposite of her opinion or speaks out at council meetings, guess who comes knocking on their doors....and why....because Jackie has insisted it be taken care of....and why because that person did not agree with her. Using her political power in the worst ways possible. That's okay...she'll be gone soon and she's in denial if she doesn't realize it. Just ask me...being a petitioner myself....I know exactly how the people/citizens of Whitehall think.

  5. CJ - thank you for your support of HELP FIDO.
