Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Committee & Special Meeting

Tonight was the "Special Meeting" for Council to set the election date. We made it on the Nov. 3rd ballot. Unsurprisingly, Council Member LaCorte was noticeably agitated because she "did not realize" that Council had to vote to set the date. Ummmmmmmmmm........can we say read the Charter?? Next came Council Member Thompson asking for special counsel to be afforded to her because "people are asking for public records" and she just does not feel that Attorney Shannon has her best interest. Ummmmm.......yes, I requested Public Records. (She requested copies of the copies I requested) Oh My! Does that mean that Council Member Thompson has "something to hide"???
The Committee Meeting brought an interesting light to how Council Member Thompson feels about City Employees. Well.....if you need a prescription..........you'd better order JUST the generic. You should have to pay more for your benefits.....and BTW......if you're a union employee....Council Member Thompson does not want the contracts to gain at all.....she just wants the contracts to diminish. All of this while Council Member Thompson sat with her back to Auditor Ms. Maggard and Human Resources Dept. Head Ms. McNabb. Yes, Council Member Thompson sat facing the clock asking questions while Ms. Maggard and Ms. McNabb were behind her. Council Member Thompson did not want to turn to be on camera, so she chose to act as rude and disrespectful as one could!


  1. While seated and facing the clock, absent-mindedly rolling the two steel balls in the palm of her hand and muttering something about strawberries and a duplicate key...

    I've had it up to here with JT. There so many issues that counsel should be addressing and yet, every story on TV or in print revolves around her. She just sucks the air out of the room I can't wait until Nov. 3 to figuratively apply my size 10 to her backside.

  2. Ahh, the rudeness and the disrespect shown by Councilperson Thompson is nothing new to any of us who have been paying attention. She has been disrespecting the citizens and the other council members from the get go. There is solace in the fact that this will all be over with very very soon. November 3rd is coming!!!!!

  3. Some of you have been paying close attention to Council person Thompson for quite some time. Me....just over the last six months; but anyone can see it right away without even paying attention; how disrespectful and rude she is to everyone on council, city employees, the Mayor, Whitehall citizens...everyone! It's as if she wants to run the City herself; because she thinks she knows so much more and has a heck of a lot more no-how than anyone else. In my opinion it seems as if she needs to make herself feel important; therefore it is a self-serving agenda....very evident!

  4. Leslie actually had two opportunities to be informed about the vote. Number one ... know the charter ... and number two PAY ATTENTION AT THE LAST COUNCIL MEETING when President Howard made a specific point stating that the special meeting was specifically to set a date for the recall election?

    and as far as voting against suspending the rules, again ... two opportunities for BOTH Ms. LaCorte and Ms. Thompson ... Number one is KNOW THE CHARTER and Number two is LISTEN TO THE CITY ATTORNEY WHEN HE SPOKE at the council meeting, reminding council that the charter says SHALL and not MAY. Sheesh.

  5. That would be: geesh? I know, it's kinda funny isn't it Barbara? It would be funny, if it weren't so pathetic. Thanks for the humor. If it weren't so pathetic; it wouldn't be funny. :)

  6. Thanks, Rickie ... I have really been trying to give LL the benefit of the doubt (getting caught up in the spiders web, every once in a while breaking free) ... but she just hasn't got the "oomph" to just get the heck out.

    By the way, LRC, love the allegory to "The Caine Mutiny". Captain Queeg and JT, oh yeah, one and the same.

  7. It just completely boggles the mind, why would JT continue if not get worse with her antics? I mean if it were me and I realized that there were enough people that were unhappy with my actions to have me removed from office, I would personally use the time before my recall vote to try to dis-prove their case against me, not make it stronger. However, in the twisted little fantasy world that Queen JT lives, you continue to make enemies, so that you make the people that didn't sign the petition want to vote you out as well, unbelievable. I have only been following this for the last few months, and I can not believe that the citizens of Whitehall have put up with her antics for this long, I applaud you Cheryl for bringing this to the citizens attention and not letting up like what usually happens in these cases. As many problems as I see with our government, I am glad that we still have the power to put them in check, JT I really have nothing to say to you anymore, you are about to be a distant memory though, but hey you will go down in history though, I mean being the first Council member to face being recalled, and most likely will be recalled in the history of Whitehall. You caused Ms Miller to lose her job, for an email that she sent you stating facts, containing nothing threatening, containing nothing illegal, however you used you political influence to take her job. Wow I didn't realize that a single mother of two, who owns her own home in this city, graduated a year early from Whitehall High School, has lived here her whole life, and wants to see this great city to uphold its standards so her children can have the same pride for their city was such a threat. I mean seriously she lost her job so you could try to have a specific breed of dogs banned from this city. Thats like saying that getting rid of a breed of dog is more important than a single mom being able to provide for her children. WTF is that about? Then you seriously do not understand why the people want you out? Are you seriously that ignorant?

    Bright Blessings to the Citizens of Whitehall

  8. Why yes, AJ, she is seriously that ignorant. However, I do want to point out that the problem between Councilperson Thompson and I realy started when my precious 91 yr old grandmother was a victim of a home invasion. I contacted city officials asking why we were wasting time on a non-existant dog issue when we had things like home invasions happening in broad daylight. After expressing concern for my grandmother, Ms. Thompson said and I quote "If we get rid of the pits, then the crime will follow". That is just ludicris. I have yet to hear of any city crime being committed by someone
    who has their pit bull with them while committing a criminal act. When I corrected her, her response was "So your email was really about pit bulls and not your grandmother - how sad"! Councilperson Thompson is the one who continually tries to make all of her issues about pit bulls, when in reality, the real issue is her own ignorance and lack of respect for the constituents she was elected to protect. The good citizens of Whitehall will prevail in "taking our town back".
