Thursday, September 10, 2009

Petition is filed!!!

Tonight at 4 p.m., WE THE PEOPLE, The Committee for the Positive Future of Whitehall, filed our Petition to be placed on the November 3 ballot, the RECALL of Council Member Thompson. We also held a press release to send a message to Council Member Thompson that We The People, The Committee for the Positive Future of Whitehall, will not longer tolerate her harassment, viciousness and dirty politics as she continues to attempt to rip the livelihoods from the good citizens of Whitehall (as she did to Janiece Miller) who stand in alignment against her evilness.


  1. This has been a long time coming now... 5 months to be exact. I for one am glad to see so much community involvement in this effort to rid our beautiful city of such a malicious, hateful person. How Councilperson Thompson was ever elected, evades me, but it won't be long before our wonderful community can actually get on with the real business at hand. Then and only then will the people of Whitehall truly be able to speak freely without fear of retribution. A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who has emotionally supported me and my family in this truly devastating time.

  2. Councilperson real name is Rickie Cardona; not Stephanie (long story); but you'll find that out soon enough anyway. I am no longer afraid of you...believe me I was; in the beginning; because of everything that you have done to other people; but I say now "you do not scare me". I really don't know why I was afraid of you anyway, it was that I could just sencse that you were a troubling (political) figure in the community in which I live, love and grew up in. Everything that you have done to this fine city is disgusting. By bringing fear in anyone who speaks out for their beliefs; which are not your own should bring you shame. You will not put fear or discomfort into people who live in this fine City for much longer. I walked the streets to get peoples signatures; and I heard what the people said without asking for their opinion (and never gave mine). You should truely be embarrassed and take a good long look in the mirror at what you have done and said about the fine people that live in Whitehall.

  3. CJ, I read the article in the Dispatch today ... you are wonderful!! Thank you for stepping up and taking the lead in alleviating the fear of retribution many felt. My name is Barbara Blake, and I was proud to give what little aid I could to this movement. Thanks to everyone involved, from the people walking the streets, to the people signing the petition, and to the people who registered to vote. Everyone counts, everyone makes a difference, not just one vindictive troubled person whose imagined power has gone to her head.

    Councilwoman Thompson ... from one human being to another, I hope you don't wish to subject yourself or our city to the indignity, embarassment, and public humiliation of being forced out of your seat on November 3rd, because that is exactly what is going to happen without a doubt. Resign now, with grace and humility, and show our community you realize your actions were not in the best interest of Whitehall and its citizens. We all make mistakes, it's how we fix them and strive not to repeat them that shows our true nature.

    Regardless of how Councilwoman Thompson chooses to respond to the overwhelming opinion already expressed by our community, I just want to say, let me know when literature drop -- Go Vote Reminders -- and any other support is needed. I and many others are ready to "Work for Whitehall"!

  4. I couldn't have said it better, Barbara. I'm going to have to go figure out how to change my name, back to Rickie, huh? Thanks for your support.
