Thursday, September 24, 2009


On "We don't want a Wash..we Want to Reduce".....employee benefits, please pay attention to Council Member Thompson as she sits facing the clock on the wall to avoid being "on camera". She has her back turned to the two people she is questioning - Auditor Maggard and Human Resources Director McNabb. HER BACK! Have you ever sat in a meeting and turned your back on the people who were - a) bringing the information and - b) you were asking ABOUT the information??? THE EPITOME OF RUDENESS right there ON VIDEO. And if that's not enough....Council Member Thompson states that she does NOT want employees to benefit AT ALL in benefits and compensations...she wants to REDUCE!! We're in the depths of recession she wants to take more away from employees. Seriously??!!
On "Setting the Date for the RECALL" parts 1 and 2, please note the utter shock by Council Member LaCorte that there is "council voting" regarding "setting the date". Also note that Council President Howard and Attorney Shannon reiterated what was explained about the process in just the last meeting.


  1. The City of Whitehall was chartered 62 yrs. ago and in that time no elected city official has faced being recalled until now. I think that this is a reflection of the quality of the people that have served the citizens over the years and to the voters who have shown great discretion in whom they elect. Until now.

    I know Leslie Lacorte is not the sharpest blade in the drawer but, damn, can she at least read the section of the charter relating to recalls. Just how long would that take -- ten minutes on the outside maybe?

    After watching the videos I've come to conclusion that Council Member Lacorte doesn't know how to listen or she just tunes out others with whom she doesn't agree. Either way she is just waiting for her turn to speak. Not being a good listener doesn't make a person bad but it does make for a bad council member. The voters of Ward 4 will soon decide if they are being properly represented. Are they listening?

  2. You know, as I post this, I'm seeing council person Thompsons picture on the right...with her little wave and then up above it the scowl...those were the bad old days. We will replace the bad with the good come November 3rd.

  3. Jackie Thompson is rude! Mrs. Maggard is an elected official and Jackie Thompson couldn't even turn and look at her while she was asking her questions. Poor Mrs. Maggard and everyone else who sat in the audience section. They were subject to looking at the back of Thompson's semi-bald head. Gross.
    I'm not a person "in the know" and I KNEW city council was going to vote to place the recall issue on the ballot. How did I know? I read the Whitehall News. I would also suspect legislation would have been given to council members ahead of time in order for them to consider the issue.
    I would also suspect after 3 1/2 years on city council, Councilwoman Lacorte would understand if legislation is time sensitive, there must be suspension of the 3-reading rule.
    Lacorte doesn't read, listen or prepare. My son lives in Ward 4 and believe me, they are talking about her lack of commonsense over there.

  4. Jackie Thompson seems to have the idea that she is either the Queen of England (after all, she did quote the Queen in her 8/27 SNP interview...This has been Whitehall's "Annus Horribilus"...) but guess what...You are Not the Queen and Whitehall is Not your monarchy. Nor are you "The Lady of the Manor House". Either way she seems to think that she has the right to order about city officials and other city council members. Wrong!! She owes a very humble and and sincere apology to Kim Maggard and Ms. McNabb. As well as to Mayor Wolf for the way she treated him Tuesday night about her (imaginary) dog attack.

    I am also incensed that Jackie did not take herself out of the room while the voting about her recall was going on. After her rantings at Wes Kantor back in March and demanding that he leave the dais...and then she sits and casts a vote on her own recall. I sincerely feel that Brent Howard should have asked her to remove herself from the recall voting.

  5. Councilwoman Thompson has had her back turned to the majority of Whitehall residents for the better part of two years now. We have endured many malicious, disrespectful actions from this undeserving individual. It did not surprise me in the least bit when I heard her say that the City should be taking more benefits away from our deserving city employees, not to mention having her back turned to a well respected city official and city employee. I will admit, our city workers have some awesome benefits! However, if we want to continue to retain quality workers, you don't REDUCE benefits. This is not rcocket science. Thank god the insanity is almost over. My family and I can't wait.

    I also was amused at Ms. LaCorte's confusion and subsequent no vote in suspending the rules. In reality, this was not a question, the council had to do this. While I understand that this situation has never come into play in the 62 year history of our great city, any public official who has served for over 3 years should be quite familiar with ALL sections of the City Charter. She also questioned the cost of this issue to the city. I have one thing to say "IT'S IMMATERIAL".

  6. Lacorte states she is a social worker. Where are her credentials and when did she get licensed?

  7. IDK......let's see - if she perhaps organizes bingo...that's a "social" game. If perhaps she hands out the bingo cards...that's working...does THAT equal "Social Worker"??? Nah....even that's a stretch!

  8. My son told me Mrs. Lacorte QUIT her job as councilwoman a couple of years ago. When city council placed an advertisement in the newspaper for resumes to fill her spot, Mrs. Lacorte said she wanted her job back, "she didn't mean to quit" and threatened legal action against city council if they didn't take her back.
    City Council didn't want Lacorte's stink so they voted to re-appoint her to the Ward 4 position.
    Mrs. Lacorte doesn't seem very reliable and seems to blame others when she does something wrong.
    I don't think she really is a social worker. Don't they have to go to college or have a license for that?

  9. Just thought of something else. We should remember Mrs. Lacorte doesn't understand what taxes people pay and how they are used. A couple of months ago, in a city council meeting, Mrs. Lacorte said, "renters don't pay taxes". And she's on City Council??? What has she learned during the past 4 years except to quit when things don't go her way and then threaten the city with legal action?
    AND, what has she really done on city council? NOTHING!

  10. Genie, you are correct-she did quit and walk out. Upon her return, she had her brother and Attorney Dennis Fennessy in tow threatening legal action if she was not reinstated.

  11. I read about this as well....Ms. LaCorte is a Jackie Thompson mini-me. Hopefully she gets voted out on November 3rd too!
