Wednesday, October 21, 2009

By Teri Ranke as read at Council Meeting 10/20/09

Ms. Thompson your letter to the editor of SNP this past week was undoubtedly one of the most self centered pieces of trash that you have yet come up with. You parade your patriotism as if it were a license for your outrageous behavior. You speak as if you are the only person who has ever seen the horrors of war.
I grew up next to a veteran who was bound to a wheel chair …shrapnel in his spine…European Theater. The father of a friend was pinned under a tank and it was either lay there and die or cut his own leg off and live…North Africa. My own father was on a destroyer that was torpedoed and it was thought all hands had been lost at sea…Pacific Theater. My father was the recipient of the highest honor that the Navy can give…The Navy Cross
I too lost friends in Vietnam and am married to a Navy veteran (USS Forestall) who served during Vietnam. I have two sons currently serving our country. Our Marine is in Iraq and our Army solder is due to be deployed any day. And I have had a tri-fold casket flag placed in my hands and have heard the words…”A Grateful Nation Thanks You”…as a 21 gun salute is being fired and TAPS is being played..The self serving statements in your letter are a slap in the face to all veterans and their service to our country and to their families. What the VFW did was to simply perform a basic business transaction. And even if they had chosen to make a political statement by renting that room…each and every one of their members past, present and future have more than earned that right!!! They are the ones who have fought for our democratic rights!!!


  1. What a great letter!
    I really wish you luck in getting rid of this "blight" on your City Council.

  2. Yes, truly a great letter. I can certainly understand Teri's emotion. My father was also stationed a navy carrier. As usual, Thompson has no feelings or compassion for the people she was elected to serve, let alone out fallen soldiers and veterans. What a pity.

  3. Teri, as we all know Jackie Thompson uses any avenue she can to "support her cause", although unethical, unconstitutional, un-american and unbelievable. For sure, all Americans have suffered at some time in their lives with a family member or friend or even acquaintance who was a Veteran of Foreign War or even in our present combat situation with foreign countries. Believe me when I say that she is just digging her own grave. She should be very ashamed of herself, but of course she is not. There is a name for this type of personality disorder, but I wont' mention it at this time. There is definitely and seriously something wrong with a person who protrays their personality in this manner. No worry, God never left Whitehall and God will prevail!
