Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Council Meeting October 6, 2009

Well well. After we alerted the press that Janiece was coming with WRITTEN proof that Council Member Thompson was WITHOUT doubt, ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY FACTUALLY the one who procured Janiece's firing, Council Member Thompson stayed home from the meeting. Um. I guess "the press" must have alerted her of the upcoming event and she just couldn't show her face in public. Not surprising. Who could face anyone who held THAT truth in their hand? Also, I brought the e-mails from Council Member Thompson to the school superintendent and to Chief Zitzke. She wrote to the school superintendent trying to get Van Gregg from running against Leslie LaCorte in the Ward 4 race for the council seat. YES! It's true. Council Member Thompson thinks so little of Leslie LaCorte's chances standing on her own, that she actually FACTUALLY - I HAVE THE E-MAIL tried to have Van Gregg pulled from the race by the superintendent. HOW? Well, the superintendent is his boss. Put it together any way you want to but it ALL ADDS UP THE SAME. Council Member Thompson tried to "NEGATIVELY AFFECT" Van Gregg's livelihood!! Ding Ding!! Where have we heard THAT before?? Ah yes! With Janiece Miller's experience AND from several other individuals. If Council Member Thompson doesn't like what you say or do.........SHE'LL GO AFTER YOUR JOB! FACT!
Also, I have e-mails from Council Member Thompson to the Chief of Police making a public records request for THE ENTIRE "murder/suicide" file! That's the very sad story of the murder/suicide of a Whitehall family earlier this year. THE ENTIRE FILE. Documents, photos, everything! FACT! Sick!!! Disgusting!!! How and Where did Council Member Thompson ever get her "God complex"? (God complex -A psychosis based in uncontrolled narcissism, inflated arrogance and a perceived need to subjugate and/or ridicule other individuals deemed to be inferior or unworthy.)


  1. This blog and everything that The Committee for the Positive Future of Whitehall has ever done; has always been about facts and the truth. It is very sad indeed that Councilperson Thompson cannot see what she has done and how she hurts people in the community in which she is supposed to advocate for...not against.

  2. Ms. Thompson doesn't care about the citizens she is supposed to represent. I have another question, "call me crazy" but if Ms. Thompson truly believes that our city is overrun with pit bulls roaming the city, ready to attack, then why on god's green earth is she "WALKING" the streets passing out flyers?? hmmmm. I think she's stepped in her own pit bull poop!!!!

  3. Wonderful council meeting ... great speakers like CJ, Janiece, Teri, and our wonderful friend who lives at 315 E. Long St!!! It was nice to see council stick to business and not have to spend time defending itself from it's own dais. Gerry speaking? Why bother respond. It's enough that he is in love with the sound of his own voice and his self-proclaimed "fine piece of writing".

    Regarding his newsletter, Gerry boy seems to have an awful lot of time on his hands. Working at a job? Earning enough income to support himself? Independently wealthy? Living on unemployment or some other type of subsidy? If he is living on unemployment or a subsidy, I would suggest that he obviously has enough energy, stamina, (and enough knowledge to use a thesauraus) that he should be employable SOMEwhere -- Maybe where ever "John", "George", and "Walter" of SNP blogging fame live. He could be a copy editor, he obviously knows a fine piece of writing when he writes it. Too bad CONTENT is not one of his strong points. READ THE CHARTER .... COUNCIL HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO CHOOSE A DATE ONCE THE PETITION CLEARED APPROVAL OF THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS!! Frankly, the charter says she couldn't vote on it, but the law is CLEAR to those who can PROCESS THE SIMPLE WORDS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE.

    Speaking of the law, I'd like to know where MY either hand-delivered or US mailed piece of Jackie propoganda is. Bet if I ever get one, it'll have the proper disclaimer on it as I'm sure at least ONE person has mentioned to her that it's been noticed. Or, maybe she won't care, since rules don't apply to her. Haven't seen it yet, or do I live too close to Main St where she might just feel unsafe in the area this homeowner lives in? Funny, my property doesn't back up to crack heaven like the property of some people I could name. I'd sure wouldn't want to be in my backyard alone day or night on THAT side of the street though a case could be made that it's perfectly safe over there with all the Columbus Police presence in the sky.

    Okay ..... breathe ..... again ..... again ......

  4. It pretty sick when someone demands to see pictures of people who have been murdered. That's just not a healthy mind.

  5. Gerry wants to talk about a pattern of corruption ... he should look at Jackie trying to undermine people's careers/jobs/whatever you want to call it. Not just once, not just twice, but A PATTERN ... I would think that this PATTERN of wrongful intimidation (which was successful in at least one instance) must surely be actionable in law. Look at the number of occurences alone -- Not just once, but SEVERAL TIMES!! Janiece, I hope that you will end up with the sort of employers you deserve, employers with enough integrity and confidence in themselves to say "Get Outta' Here" to the Jackie's of this world.

  6. Uh, that's what my employer would say to her, because I've already warned them of her. Most would if they knew what this lady was trying to do. I just know that all of the surrounding neighborhoods are worried about her moving into their neighborhood. I've been told several times by people in Reynoldsburg and Bexley....don't push her into our neighborhood. What happens in Whitehall, doesn't stay in Whitehall.

  7. Council person Jackie Thompson is a sick sick person. Anyone who requests pictures of dead people just to satisfy their own sick mind, is twisted sick. Yeah, that's right, twisted-sick.
    Jackie Thompson thinks if she looks at all the case documents, evidence, and photos that she will magically come up with some other evidence or insight into this most ghastly nightmare?
    Here's some advice, Council woman . . . leave it to the pros. We've all seen how you get mixed up at city council meetings; you lose your place on the agenda, you forget what you are voting for, you vote against yourself, you take things out of context and you just plain make things up. You don't need to bring your own insanity into the Meeks tragedy.
    Shame on you!

  8. Questions re: Leslie LaCorte ... After reading the Dispatch On-Line Voting Guide about the Ward 4 race, I now have a greater understanding of why Leslie didn't understand why the words were so important in her advisory legislation. With that in mind, is it just possible that her ideal (I mean idea) was to state social DIRECTOR instead of social WORKER? I can honestly see that mix-up happening. Seeing as how there is a minimum requirement of a bachelors degree in the field of social work or psychology while Leslie acknowledges that her claim to higher education is her degree from Whitehall-Yearling H.S. ... along with the license (or NON-license) issue. Social Director is a bit different, depending on your customer base.

  9. I just read a SNP reader comment written by "The Truth Squad".
    To "The Truth Squad": Town and Country Vet Clinic treats all kinds of animals (dogs, cats, birds, etc.) And yes, both Dr. White and Dr. Maimone treat all different kinds of dogs, including bulldogs, staffordshire terriers, boxers, shepherds, etc.
    These fine people, who work and run this business has done nothing but treat the citizens of Whitehall with respect and honor.
    By Councilwoman Jackie Thompson writing Dr. Maimone is a "pitt bull vet" is like saying my family doctor only treats patients who have sports injuries.
    This is a perfect example of Jackie Thompson once taking a small portion of truth and making gross exaggerations.
    Thank God for the Town and Country Vet Clinic and the good people who work there!


    Very soon, a sample ballot will be mailed to all registered democrats in Whitehall, Ward 4 encouraging them to vote for endorsed democrats

  11. Genie- you are so on target! Jackie's lame attempts to discredit such a wonderful group of vets only shows how low she can go!

  12. Thought...who would use a tragic family murder/suicide to try and influence voters on their recall election...why, it's Jackie Thompson. This woman knows no boundaries. This tragedy happened back in late January and Jackie has only now taken an interest in it. Why, because she thinks it will save her from being self serving. And to want to see autopsy and photo's, etc and children were involved. How sick and twisted.

    When you read through the email. She's trying to find a way to blame the police dept for this tragedy. She thinks that our police were involved...can this woman think straight at all? Ok, I'm off that subject.

    Yea for Van Gregg!! Council will be so much better with Van Gregg than it has been with Leslie. And we all know about Leslie and her views. It doesn't help to lie about things but Leslie hasn't learned that yet either. But she will soon be gone as well!

    We are making head way, but we still have a lot of campaigning to do. So, good job to one and all...on to Nov 3rd. and Freedom!!
