Friday, October 16, 2009


In her latest "attempt" to save herself from RECALL on November 3, Jackie Thompson has put a Letter to the Editor in the SNP this week. She has the AUDACITY AND NERVE to say that the VFW Post should only rent out their hall to groups SHE finds acceptable! Listen Jackie-soldiers have fought and died for ALL of OUR rights to FREEDOM of SPEECH....NOT JUST FOR YOU TO STAND IN THE MIDDLE OF TOWN HALL AND LIE LIE LIE to the good citizens of Whitehall!! SHAME ON YOU JACKIE THOMPSON! SHAME ON YOU!!!!
VFW should not take sides against supporter of soldiers
To the Editor:
A citizen called me and told me that the sponsors of the recall initiative against me were holding a fundraiser at the Whitehall VFW. This is troubling to me for several reasons.
First of all, it gives the impression that the VFW supports the recall. Secondly, this is very hurtful to me personally. My niece's father (and my friend), Craig Weber, was killed in Vietnam. My uncle. R.J. Claybaugh, flew bombers over Germany during WWII. My son and my brother were both submariners in the Navy.
My family has served and a member paid the ultimate price for his country. I have been to the Vietnam War Memorial and I have wept as I touched Craig's name and that of a school friend, Gary Leach. Craig's parents never stopped mourning and it shattered their lives. My niece was too young to remember her father and never had the oppor­tunity to know him.
My whole adult life I have supported the soldiers and the veterans. I have written government officials letters in sup­port of their issues. I have contributed to organizations that work to find and bring home those soldiers missing in ac­tion. I have stood with our soldiers and veterans always!
So I am disappointed in the VFW for giving credibility to my detractors and allowing this event to be held within the walls of an organization that is meant to represent and give comfort to all veterans and their families, not special inter­est groups with a political agenda.
Jacquelyn Thompson member, Whitehall City Council
The ballot reads as follows:
Shall Jacquelyn K. Thompson be allowed
to continue as Council At Large?
The Citizens For The Positive Future Of Whitehall


  1. Again Jackie Thompson wants to control a Whitehall business. It wouldn't matter where the fun raiser was held, if a "room" was rented within the limits of the City of Whitehall they are supporters of her recall. It couldn't possibly be a situation where they had a room available and rented it for money, now could it... She just can't imagine that anyone could possibly want to support her recall. And of course she's being persecuted unjustly...right!!!

  2. It just never ends with this woman does it?
    Speaking of a soldier`s sacrifice,how about the Military people who are having their dogs seized/killed or kicked off Bases due to Breed Bans pushed by people like Jackie Thompson?
    Has she really given any thought to the impact of these Bans?
    She`s an absolute disgrace to your Town and your Council.

  3. This is nothing new ... boo hoo hoo! Poor Jackie, everyone is taking a stand AGAINST this disgraceful councilperson. Hey Jackie, why don't you save some face and APOLOGIZE for your disgusting actions, not just to me and my children, but to the rest of the city as well... oh that will never happen, you have sunk to low to bring yourself back up again.

    No BSL, you are TOTALLY correct, as long as you agree with Jackie, she will stand beside you. If not, watch out, you never know what she's able to dish out until it's too late. She's trying to play the military card now, because she's lost all the other cards in her deck - literally.

  4. Jackie, how could you bring yourself to actually write that letter to the SNP Editor, let alone send it in to have it published? Do you really think you are the only person whose heart was ever broken by the wounding, death or other atrocities of war witnessed or experienced by a family member or friend? That you are the only person who supports our soldiers, past present and future? You personally insult me ... no, each and every person, soldier or otherwise, in the entire community which you purport to serve by making such self-serving statements. Shame on you for using heroes for your own dirty political purposes. The Recall Committee simply rented a facility to hold a fund-raiser -- a simple business proposition. You had to make it into something it wasn't because you just can't bring yourself to apologize for the heinous acts you have committed, let alone stop committing them. That's right, it's as simple as that.

    On November 3rd, VOTE NO ON ISSUE 32!!!

  5. Oh, another thing ... Teri ... The facility rented could have been on the MOON, because Jackie insists we, homeowners and actual Leslie LaCorte approved Taxpapers, are all outsiders. What a bunch of hoo-hah.

    On November 3rd, VOTE NO ON ISSUE 32!!!

  6. "Listen Jackie-soldiers have fought and died for ALL of OUR rights to FREEDOM of SPEECH....NOT JUST FOR YOU TO STAND IN THE MIDDLE OF TOWN HALL AND LIE LIE LIE to the good citizens of Whitehall!! SHAME ON YOU JACKIE THOMPSON! SHAME ON YOU!!!!"

    Do you know anything about history? Do you think we fought in WWI and WWII because the Japanese and the Nazis were trying to TAKE AWAY OUR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT? Probably not. I'll admit our soldiers died for a lot of silly things, but honey, the MAJORITY of our WARS were fought on foreign soil, and had NOTHING to do with RIGHTS in and on US SOIL. Good try though, keep them coming!
