Monday, June 22, 2009

Council Mtg 6/16/09 The Dynamic Duo

3 hours of grimacing, snickering, sneering and all in all very bad behavior by not only one but TWO council members. You guessed it! Jackie Thompson AND Leslie LaCorte! That's right Whitehall, the 2 women on council just can't behave professionally as City Council members. NOT ONCE, did any of the council men make faces, sigh, grimace or sneer at ANY citizen, but the "Dynamic Duo"...oh my!! The 2 females of council, just feel it their right to try to make faces so everyone in the world knows there stance on a speaker or topic. Seriously??!!

Well, you've heard and read the recap of Leslie's bad behavior, now here's a recap of Jackie, who I might add, sits back and enjoys "the show" every single time Leslie "goes off"!!!

Jackie during poll public was just simply devastated that people may have to give up one of their 4 dogs. Sad yes, but the point's against the law and JACKIE KNOWS IT and KNEW IT BEFORE SHE HERSELF violated it REPEATEDLY!!!! Now the innocent citizens can thank Jackie for their plight! Not to worry! Jackie is going to "revisit" THAT law...why??? OH YES!! Because it will be SELF SERVING! ANOTHER JACKIE AGENDA!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY??!!
If THAT's not enough! In Poll Council (after 3 hours of faces and snickers between the dynamic duo), Jackie addresses "people" who are not only trying to UNSEAT council members....but DESTROY them! SERIOUSLY??!! Whoa Jackie! Has anyone called YOUR employer to get YOU fired?? Nope. Didn't think so. Destroy you?? No! THAT is what YOU do when you get a single mother fired from her job for disagreeing with you! YOU!! YOU!! YOU!! Destroy lives. If you take yourself down in the mix, SO BE IT!! You sure don't need my or anyone else's help on that and it's FAR TOO LATE to pretend to be a victim!
She then has THE NERVE to give her phone number because she's "here for the people"! Remember Janiece??....YEP! Jackie sure was THERE FOR HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!....PEOPLE!!!...all you have to do is call MY number, and listen to the answering's ALWAYS there! WHY give her phone number??? Well...for one thing, it was just passed thru the streets by an illegal "deposit" to mailboxes...but also....the telephone is not in written no one has legal recourse against her! IF YOU CONTACT HER...........SEND AN E-MAIL! Makes for good "evidence" in a court of law. See the City of Whitehall website.
The City of Whitehall is an embarrassment for the world to see, because we have 2 council members who JUST CAN'T CONTROL THEIR BAD BEHAVIOR!!!! Jackie Thompson has been at it for years as a citizen now as council, never knowing proper manners in public or how to behave as a "neighbor". Now enter Leslie LaCorte who just doesn't seem to be happy unless the spotlight is on her!
Ahhhhhhhhhh THE DYNAMIC DUO!!!
More on this meeting later..........


  1. Boy, don't they make an odd couple? The foolishness displayed in these meetings is ridiculous. No respect for the people that they are supposed to serve, except when it fits THEIR needs. Outrageous. And, who is this looney toon, wanna-be displaced actor, joining in on the band wagon, Mr. Dixon....who decides that he wants to go around putting flyers in peoples US Postal Service mailboxes? Don't you know that is a federal offense, Mr. Dixon. I will speak at council meetings when I choose to, not when YOU try to make someone feel guilty because you got your little feelings hurt by someones words. Is that how you took disappointment when trying to become and actor also? Poor, poor, pitiful you.

  2. Oh, and one more thing...we could start our own show right here in Whitehall....we have a Jackiehall three ring circus, the Leslie and Jackie dynamic dual leaping pit bulls in a single bound...and Mr. Wanna-be actor who belongs on the new soap opera premiere of "Oh my, Jackie".

  3. My focus is on Council woman Thompson. She is the real danger to Whitehall.
    While I may not agree with what Citizen Dixon says or how he expresses his opinions, he still has the right to speak and it is essential that everyone stay respectful of that right. It's freedom that makes this country great. What other country can you go to and tell your local government officials what you really think?
    While Mr. Dixon exercises his free speech without fear of intimidation, so should Cheryl Thompson be able to document public government meetings without fear of harassment from a council member.
    Cheryl, please do not get discouraged and keep on fighting the good fight. You have said over and over again that your mission is to ensure that everyone in Whitehall knows what kind of council person Jackie Thompson is. You are doing a great job. Keep it up and just report the facts.
    Facts are facts and cannot be disputed.
    Don't worry about council woman Lacorte allegations. If she continues to harass and/or intimidate you, the law is on your side and your rights, as a few attorneys have already explained.
    Anonymoussteph', you are correct that it is a FEDERAL offense to tamper with U.S. mailboxes and if you wanted, you could file an official complaint.

  4. Yes, I know Chloe....I'm with you in regards to Ms. Jackie Thompson being the real danger, but it just get's me when she puts her little watchdogs into action. Mr. Dixon's actions, believe me....are surrounded by Ms. Jackie's spell.

  5. Thank you ChloeB for always staying on target and the reality checks. You are absolutely right that it IS Jackie that is the real danger to Whitehall. It is just very sad to watch her manipulate Leslie each week as she sets her up to "go off" on the topic of the day. Very sad. As far as the man speaking at council, he absolutely has every right to say what he wants. As far as his fliers go, Anonymousstephanie, I dare say he'll be a lot more cautious about where he leaves them. You can however file an official complaint if you are un-nerved by them.

  6. He's apologized to me. I don't think he means anything by putting his speech in my mailbox, just a mistake on his part and just being arrogant, that's all. It was a little unnerving at first though. I just didn't know what this man was up to.
