Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Riddle Me This.............

Riddle Me this............Riddle Me That.............
It's a quiz...so take notes!
1) How many oh...let's say 7 lb pomeranians named...oh let's say "Mattie" should you be allowed if your neighbor has a 185 lb great dane?
ANSWER...well if your name is Jackie Thompson....26.42857 YEP..to make it "equitable" (the word of the night)....the person having lapdogs vs. big dogs should be able to have the same amount in pounds of dogs as the big dog next door. SERIOUSLY??!! Well...unless the big dog owner has a small yard...then THEY can't have THEIR dog!
2) How many pit bulls or "vicious" dogs can you have...dangerous and vicious as defined solely by Jackie Thompson?
ANSWER...NONE. However....if you want to own 4, 5, 6, 7 etc dogs as long as they're lap dogs...well let's "grandfather" them in. BUT NO PIT BULLS!
3) What if you want to "draft" legislation like Bexley's and try to pull the wool over Attorney Shannons' eyes?
ANSWER...He'll call you out.
And TaDa!!! The best question of the evening....
4) What is the camera man's name?
ANSWER...none ya, Jackie! Yep...she tried hard as she could to make Attorney Shannon insist that my camera man give his name "as if" he was in Poll Public. WRONG!!!!!! Attorney Shannon said it is our right to report and video as a form of our freedom of speech! It's driving her nuts!!

Got to give kudos to LaCorte for FINALLY distancing herself from Jackie and her insanity. Finally...she must be hearing what THE PEOPLE are saying.

More...MUCH more later!!


  1. Did you happen to catch Jackie on the news last night at 10, channel 8? Talking about a 15 year old getting mauled the the face by a pit bull....here in Whitehall....I don't think so...anything to make herself look like she's doing the right thing. What a NUT!

  2. I haven't heard about it either. Was it really a pit bull?

  3. It didn't even happen, so who cares what kind of dog it was
