Sunday, August 2, 2009

MORE Videos from 7/28/09 Committee Meeting 4 new videos posted today-

-A failed attempt at back-pedaling --- Leslie Lacorte tried to correct her anti Renter language from last week...but stepped deeper in the pit bull poop by saying that if you're a home owner, "we know" we take care of our dogs...but the renters coming in..."we just don't know about them". Better??? Nah.

-The Cost of the Ballot Questions is Immaterial to me---Leslie LaCorte

-More Brilliance of Jim Graham

-Show It To Me Bob! --- Jackie Thompson


  1. Am I just misinterpreting this, or am I really hearing LL say that if the question isn't worded a specific way, that the citizens won't give the answer she believes council wants? I thought it was about the citizens giving a straightforward and final answer to a straightforward and final question (that our seniors can understand). You can't really have it both ways. You either trick the citizens into tyranny or you honestly want to know what they think. Huh.

  2. No, Tidbit your not misinterpreting...this is what is going on in our fine City....but it is actually what the two women on council want...not to be prejudice or anything, but as Jim Graham said, "he hasn't struggled with this"...only JT & LL.....

    Now on to my opinion of the videos:

    Oh, I get it….only renters have pit bulls, and who knows who these people are or how well they will take care of their dogs….by the way; “renters don’t pay taxes” either. What a bunch of doggie do-do. How dare a council person, who is here to serve our community; shun those who are renters and act as if only those who are sitting on council and own their homes can be held accountable for how well they take care of their dogs. Leslie thinks she’ll get votes in November because a lot of people in her ward are renters and “renters don’t vote”...yep, she said that too… you didn’t know that one either. Shame on you Ms. LaCorte. She stick’s her nose so far up in the air because she can’t stand the smell of the poop coming out of her mouth. And, yeah, don’t be deceived by the Columbus Dispatch article stating that the cost of this Resolution that she wants put on the ballot will not cost anything….it will cost the City LOTS! But, according to Ms. LaCorte, that's immaterial…well maybe to you, but remember you have hated the last 18 months on council, so everything is immaterial.

    The voters only want one vicious animal banned from the city and that is Ms. Jackie Thompson, and she is a breed all of her own! What a freakin nut! There are current ordinances in place, but Jackie can’t just stop there, she has to keep going with the Breed Specific Legislation until she gets her way, because this is her agenda, folks….Visit your Whitehall
    City Ordinances at: Around and around we go; where we stop….all renters out of Whitehall (you don’t pay taxes anyway)….and take your doggie’s with you too (because we don't know how you take care of them)….

  3. What is next on thier agenda??? Are they going to try for legislation that in order to live in Whitehall you have to submit an application to be reviewed by LL and JT to determine whether you are a "responsible" person. This is just scarey...

  4. Teri, scary doesn't even begin to describe it. . . try being there and seeing this behavior happen right in front of your eyes. Of course the cost of the ballot is immaterial to LL, she isn't the one who will pay the bill. We are. JT talks about the cranky old men of council. . . well they seem to be the only ones that are actually using their brains . . . lets hope that continues to be the case and they are not swayed by the two "crazies" on council. Tidbit, I hope you have figured out a way to break the bad news to your neighbor, she as well as all the other seniors in our beautiful town need to know that the two crazies don't really have their best interest at heart. JT and LL want only one thing, to ban pit bulls and pit bull type breeds, which WILL NOT stop the dog bites, only dog owner education will stop that. They only want to punish the people that have spoken out against them. Shame, shame, shame.

  5. Janiece, just so you know, my hubby and I spent some quality time with my senior neighbor. She just about cracked me up ... when I started talking to her about the videos I had seen, and the blogs, she knew exactly which two council members I was going to tell her about. Also, told me that she had met JT several years ago and wasn't remotely impressed by her! When I mentioned LL's name in connection with "senior smarts", she said "Yes, she's the representative for Ward 4 ... why am I not surprised". God love my senior neighbors, they have the earned experience we could all learn and benefit from.

  6. I don't live in your state but I have been following this issue closely - BSL affects everyone.

    Anyway, I put a link below where you can see an estimated cost to your city (It's a BSL calculator provided by Best Friends Animal Society).

    Use the drop down box to select your state and then city. There is a report for the cost break out and then a report option for local talking points - I hope it will be useful for you:

  7. Danielle, thank you soooo much for this information. I know that this will come in handy and I will make sure that the info is passed on to the right people. I have been on this website before, but never made it to that part of it. Good looking out for all of our wonderful bully breeds in Whitehall.
