Friday, August 21, 2009

Videos 8/18/09 Council Meeting

As the weekend unfolds, please check youtube for the latest videos. You'll witness first hand Jackie voting herself "unexcused" from National Night Out - priceless. You'll hear more of the brilliance of Jim Graham explaining the duties of elected officials -i.e. voting on proposed legislation based on yes, Leslie - the wording. You'll see and hear Jackie in her grandiose fashion telling the rest of council that she gets more phone calls than they do... Sound familiar??? You'll see lots and lots of snickers from Jackie and Leslie directed towards other council and even the public! Mature behavior at the finest! Ha! You'll witness Jackie being "cautioned" by President Howard not to violate Executive Committee instructions and Jackie does anyway. You'll hear her call herself "Jackie Thompson, resident" one moment and shortly after snarl at Bob Bailey for calling her Jackie. Say what??? The entire poll council will be available with lots of "looks" from Jackie and Leslie and sneers and jeers from Jackie. During Bob Bailey's poll, you'll hear the eerie sound of a "mad dog" viciously attacking President Howard.


  1. am downloading the videos now, am on a computer with no speakers. But this sounds like a good one....will comment once I listen to them...bright blessings

  2. Thank God you finally got these posted, so people can see for themselves just how disrespectful, rude and crazy Ms. Thompson is! She absolutely has nothing good to say about our city and tries to destroy everyone in it...oh wait, maybe only if they are a man (who doesn't agree with her), a single mother (who doesn't agree with her), every single city official (because they are incapable of doing their jobs without her direction), pit bull owners (because they are fomenters of violence). I have absolutely no idea why this woman chooses to live in a city she despises so much!

  3. OMG ... Councilwoman Thompson - If a Whitehall Maintenance Worker comes to your home to remove branches and other yard debris from your curb, and happens to notice that you have collapsed at the bottom of the stairs at the front of your home ... Hmmm ... should he or should he not cross boundaries and report that you may need medical assistance? And, maybe, stay with you until professionals arrive? I know this is an extreme example, but I think that you as the "Tarp Lady" of several years ago would feel the need for code enforcement for our "City Of Pride". Now, if you don't care that your neighbors have effectively started a rat-infested dump in their backyard (which was seen by a member of the city completely by accident while they were investigating another matter)and that your 4-year-old son is determined to investigate it for adventures sake ... Oh, sorry, that's right, as long as it doesn't impinge on you personally it's a non-issue. My bad.

  4. By the way, the rat-infested dump is a hypothetical -- Please, people, don't look for stuff like this in your neighbors yards. Frankly, if you have to look for it with a magnifying glass, it probably isn't bothering you or anybody else.

  5. Agree with Tidbit. Man, what would happen if the city guy would see a pit bull loose in an owners' yard - I guess that would be ok for the city guy to ignore? Don't think so.
    Leslie girl, like you I'm not so good with words. But even I know that words is what make up laws. If the words aint right then it messes up the whole law. And that is why the right words are important.

  6. I've heard that JT said that she doesn't represent all the residents of Whitehall - Jackie Thompson said "I represent only the people who voted for me". I guess that means she doesn't represent anyone under the age of 18. I guess that means she doesn't represent anyone who moved to Whitehall after 2007 because they would not have been able to vote for her. How does she know who voted for her and who didn't? Council-at-Large means you represent ALL of the residents of Whitehall and that you need to put your own interests aside in order to represent and advocate for the will of the citizenry.
    Jackie Thompson doesn't know anything about the residents and what they want.

  7. Chloe, I completely agree with you. That's a terrible thing for a person of elected office to believe. Unfortunately, in this case, both the people who voted either for Jackie and those who voted for someone else to take this at-large position are disenfranchised because Jackie cannot comprehend what is going on around her. Voting against herself this time ... In a previous council meeting she asks for an explanation of every vote back-to-back ...and continuously complains that she doesn't understand what is going on. I really believe that is the reason that Jackie didn't want to "confuse our elderly voters."
    Substitute the words "Councilwoman Thompson" for "elderly voters" and you'll have the truth.
