Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Short Recap of Council Meeting 8/18/09

Leslie's version of Jackie's BSL failed!!!! BUT---the BEST part...Council voted unanimously...YES...I said unanimously to change Jackie's absence on National Night Out from "excused" to "unexcused" due to her blatant rudeness and disrespect to Council Members and the public for showing up late and laughing about it. She can't even figure out what she's voting on! If it wasn't so very sad to call her a council member...it would be hilarious! More later...and videos later in the week!!!


  1. It's about time that council start holding JT accountable for her actions!!! She is an embarrasment to our fine city. I cannot wait for all of this to come to an end and we as a city are free of JT's insane behavior.

  2. If Jackie was too legitimately afraid of violence to her person to attend the open-air council meeting on National Night Out without being accompanied by her neighbor, I have to say it would have been just as dangerous to attend the public portion of National Night Out even in her neighbor's presence, unless her neighbor is licensed and registered to carry a firearm/taser to protect her overblown need for protection. Frankly, I don't believe anyone or anydog cares enough about her to soil their reputation by truly committing a violent act against this woman. She is a target in her own mind, along with the "many people who call her or stop her on the street". Hoping I'll finally be able to attend a meeting soon. The videos are great for when you can't be there yourself -- Thank you CJ, for all the work and effort -- it is worth it!, and I watch them and ask other people to watch them ... but I really want to see the process in person and be able to participate in a truly public fashion. Again, CJ, thanks so much for bringing this to the attention of those of us who have been unable/unaware. With Jackie leading the charge, first it would have been Breed Specific Legislation, then it may have progressed to People Specific Legislation. One form of discrimination is just as vile as another.

  3. I'll comment later when I have time, but I was there, and it was a WONDERFUL NIGHT IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD!

  4. I just read the article in the Dispatch. Who is going to break the news to Ms. Jackie that the voices in her head are not eligible to sign the petition she claims she is going to take door to door? Did she get over feeling threatened and unsafe walking through our neighborhoods, or did she get carried away in the heat of the moment? I need to stop now ...

  5. Hilarious Tidbit....absolutely right....that's like the ficticious people who call her all the time, saying they are afraid to work for the city or the fictitious people who stop her all the time on the street (she afraid to walk the street) and ask for her to get these darn pit bulls out of the city, or the fictitious people who are just hiding in wait for her to show up at National Night Out. She's a joke and everyone knows it...except for the people in her head, or course.

  6. Well I am glad to hear that the JT issue is almost over, it is way past the point of being ridiculous. Kind of reminds me of an SNL skit, a very badly produced one. But enough mud slinging. I do however like the way Tidbit put her final statement, about the people specific legislation.Because ultimately, if the Breed Specific Legislation was passed then the People Specific Legislation would not be far behind. Keep up the fight and People in power like JT will be no longer in power.
